How much does a locksmith cost to unlock a house door in Bowling Green KY
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Leaving your home in a rush or arriving and having lost your keys in the process are two situations which happen all too often. Generally, the first thing that someone will do is panic, ‘where did I leave my keys?’, ‘I’m in a rush, I need to get back into my house!’, etc. In amongst all this stress, the person will usually pull out their phone and ask Google, “how much does a locksmith cost to unlock a house door?”
So then, how much does a locksmith cost to unlock a house door?
The price really depends on a couple of factors. The two main factors would be time of day and location of the job. In order to book a qualified BG Locksmith for the job (which you should), the average price in Bowling Green KY should be around $80-165 during normal working hours. When paying for this kind of service, you can almost guarantee that the locksmith will pick open the lock without any damage.
If you have any additional locks, chances are that they’ll just charge you around $40-$60 to open extra locks whilst on site.
What about after-hours prices?
If it’s after 5pm, most locksmiths will begin their after-hours pricing. When it comes to after-hours, you could be looking anywhere from $70 to $120 (or even more) to have the lock picked.
When looking for a locksmith to unlock your door, there are a few important things you should keep in mind. The most important would be ensuring that the locksmith you plan on using is a fully-qualified BG Locksmith. After all, you are essentially inviting a stranger into your home, so it’s best to make sure they’re trustworthy.
What else to look out for?
Your next step in organising for the right locksmith to come out should be to check over their Google Reviews and make sure that their customers are satisfied with their service. Quite often, many people will choose the first option that appears in Google without even realising that they could be setting themselves up for a locksmith scam.
Are there cheaper options?
There definitely are! But are they worth it … probably not. A large problem that many people in Kentucky are facing at the moment is being taking advantage of by locksmith scam artists. A locksmith scam usually occurs when you need a locksmith most. When looking for cheaper locksmith prices, you’ll be bound to pass by some which are advertising a $15 to $25 call out fee and then another $50 for opening the lock.
The unfortunate thing is that most of these locksmiths are unqualified backpackers which have been known to cause extra damage when trying to force the lock open. When on the property, they’ll quite often give a statement about extra work being required and then charge you exorbitant prices to do so.
In order to avoid getting yourself into this type of situation and paying more in the long run, we always recommend using a reputable BG Locksmith.
Local Locksmith services
For more questions on pricing to unlock a house door, please don’t hesitate in calling BG Locksmith today on (270)-421-7755. Our BG Locksmith services are available 24/7 and we’ve always got a van nearby! For all other enquiries, you may leave them HERE.